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Everything you need to know of good lighting!

Updated: Dec 9, 2022

Workplace with good lighting is safe and allows us to work easier. In environment like this we can focus on the things we want to do instead of being disturbed by uncomfortable lighting, glare and hazy colour rendering. To assure right lighting solutions, you need to know 4 main factors about it.


Human attention is focused on bright surfaces, and if the distribution of light is uneven, these bright surfaces can focus attention on themselves and disturb the focus on the entire work surface.

TIP: Avoid such attention points and find uniform lighting.


For both safety and comfort, it is necessary to reduce the risk of glare at the light source. In the case of glare, it doesn't matter how powerful the light source is, because a misdirected light source poses a risk in any case.

TIP: In glare, lighting loses its primary purpose of increasing visibility.


It is important to find the color temperature that works best for the eyes. Different color temperatures are suitable for certain environments. Warm light (such as 3000 K) is good for example on snowy surfaces, which reflects cold bluish light. Colder light, on the other hand, is better suited for working on soil. In general, cold light causes more glare-induced eye discomfort than warm light. Cold blue light (above 6000 K) has a higher light emission and reflects more small particles compared to a warm light source.

TIP: Find a light with a suitable color temperature for the job. For example, it is not the best choice to apply cold light to forwarders, because tiny particles fly around the machine that reflect the light.


Color rendering index (CRI) can be used to measure how well a light source transmits colors. Optimum light transmission for solar radiation is 100% CRI. The higher the CRI, the more sunlight is imitated. The human eye is adapted to sunlight, so it is important to imitate natural light as much as possible in the work environment. However, it is especially important in the food industry or fruit cutting, where color transfer plays an important role in determining the condition and readiness of food.

TIP: In the work environment, it is most important to imitate natural light.


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